


For this third newsletter dedicated to our AMBITION 2020 strategic plan, we have chosen to share our experience in human capital, the third pillar of our transformation after innovation and digitalisation.

No strategic plan can succeed without bringing the teams on board! When each employee finds his or her place and contributes to the transformation dynamic, individual energies are unleashed that benefit the collective and enable innovative, creative and daring projects to flourish.

We have done a lot in the last four years, but I think objectively that this is probably the area where the most work remains. Let's keep at it for the next 5 years!

Happy reading,

President & CEO

The HR function: strategic pillar of value creation
Editorial by Thomas Lesort, Executive VP, Human Resources, LACROIX Group

In the most active companies, HR is evolving and becoming a strategic pillar of value creation. The challenge is not simple: it is about creating the best collective dynamic to achieve the objectives while also responding to the aspirations of our employees, who are seeing major transformations. In this context, my role as Human Resources Executive VP is to contribute to strategic decisions and support transformations. For me, the last five years at LACROIX Group have been the testing ground for these developments and their implementation. The Group has rediscovered itself internally and has opened up about its ecosystem, profoundly transforming collaborative working relationships. (...)

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Employee shareholding:
a win-win bet?

40,000: the number of shares (from self-controlled shares) that LACROIX Group proposed to buy back in 2020 from 3,384 company employees under an employee shareholding plan, through the “LACROIX Engagement” fund. (...) ​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Our managers have an appetite for learning!

Three employees share their experiences in the LACROIX Group management career path with the Corporate MBA, VISA Manager and Certificate training programmes.  Share best practices, expand your internal network and develop both personally and professionally: these are just some of the opportunities offered by this programme, which promotes collective efficiency and a better employee experience. (...)

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Employee opinions: a key link for the future

Since its creation, the LACROIX & YOU satisfaction survey has continued to grow thanks to increased participation by the teams. In addition to satisfaction itself, LACROIX Group seeks above all to learn about commitment among its employees, who are key links for the future of the company. (...)

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LACROIX Group's greatest stories start with meeting its people

At LACROIX Group, each mission is first and foremost a human adventure: the meeting between a company experiencing a transformation and the teams supporting it through this important moment. LACROIX Group has had several key moments over the last five years, each of which was an opportunity to (re)discover the intrinsic value of relationships and collaboration. (...)

Unleash the energy!

Over the past few years, the world of work has experienced major changes. A key and strategic component, our human resources department supports the transformation of our business lines, making them a key asset for LACROIX Group's development. (...)

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